Yum Yum Volunteer Form

Your Information


Yum Yum Information

Select Yum Yum Event(Required)
Thanksgiving is: Thursday, 11/28/24
Ordering begins 11/3/24 through 11/12/24
Most items will be shipped on or before 11/18/24

Christmas is: Wednesday, 12/25/24
Ordering begins 11/30/24 through 12/12/24
Most items will be shipped on or before 12/18/24

How many individual orders of the Yum Yums do you want to provide? This will be used as a cut off total so we don’t over sell your item
Brief description of your home made Yum Yum and what type of unique packaging IF ANY will these be packed in?
There may be some CRM Members who are allergic to certain foods, so we ask that you provide an ingredient list. You especially need to mention if your Yum Yum contains nuts, eggs or other common foods to which someone might be allergic
How many Yum Yum items are in an individual order? For instance, if providing cookies, this would be the number of cookies in a single order
Please give us an estimated order price for your item (remember the order price includes postage). Prices range generally from $15 to $50 depending on the item. This will just be an estimate – we’ll contact you with any questions.
How big is a Yum Yum item? For instance, if providing cookies, this would be the diameter of the cookie, like 2 inches. Or if cookie bars, then the width and length.


If you are not able to donate the cost of ingredients/package/postage in whole or in part, CPCRN will help with any of the expenses.

However you must also contact [email protected] first to discuss the details of what expenses you need help with and the amount as you must receive authorization for the reimbursement.

Without this advance authorization you will not be reimbursed
Is Reimbursement Required?(Required)
Please submit a photo of your item(s) as soon as possible directly to: [email protected]
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.