
Meet Our Officers

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Julie Greystone

Director of Rescue/Intakes

Julie first came to the Col. Potter table in 2010 shortly after the passing of her beloved Cairn Terrier, Ozzie. The loss of Ozzie left such a gap that Julie immediately went searching for another heart-dog companion. She soon found Col. Potter Cairn Rescue, where she quickly learned that “one Cairn Terrier just necessarily leads to another,” and she joined the Rescue/Intakes Team in its quest to save as many wee terriers as possible. Thanks to the seemingly unlimited patience and support of her spouse, Judith, Julie has worked for over 10 years to bring the little dudes and dudettes into safe harbor with Col. Potter.  And her greatest reward has been a consistent series of foster failures over the years. Julie and Judith now reside in PA with their current pack of fabulous flunkies, Edith Anne, Tallulah Bean and Mustang Sally.  Julie was welcomed into the role of Director of Rescue/Intakes on May 1, 2021.

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Karen Gracy

Interim Director of Transports

Karen Gracy first joined the Col. Potter family when she adopted Pippa—a deviously clever, delightful Cairn terrier-ist—in 2016.  Karen began volunteering for transports as a coordinator in 2019 when she realized that her lifelong love of maps and her talent for making a plan could be powerful tools for saving more Cairns.  When she’s not working with Transports’ fantastic crew of drivers, coordinators, and monitors to get our precious cargo to where they need to go, she’s a university professor at Kent State University’s School of Information, where she helps educate the next generation of librarians and archivists. (NOTE: When Karen gets a suitable photo of her with her girl Pippa, we will update, but for the time being, this cameo Koala will have to suffice.)

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Denise Hoffman

Director of Communications

Denise Hoffman joined Col. Potter in 2006 and is the Director of Communications.  She found Col. Potter (and rescue) while looking for a second Cairn terrier. Her daughter who was 13 at the time, googled Cairn terriers and opened up an entire new world to her and her family! They first adopted Benny (CPs Martin), now at the Rainbow Bridge, then flunked with her foster dog Heather. Her third CP kid is Spud (now at the Bridge), a total goof ball who she also flunked fostering with and made them laugh every day. Her non CP kid is Lexi, a Cairn-Westie mix who she adopted as a puppy and is now at the Bridge too.  With Denise in this photo are Spud and Heather.  Denise and her family live in Michigan.


Susan Mower

Director of Volunteer Services

Susan learned about rescue first hand when she had to surrender her beloved Welsh terrier, Pi, many years ago. Volunteering at a local shelter, her goal became to understand dog behavior and specifically terrier behavior so Pi’s re-homing would finally make sense and never happen again. During her journey, she met a neighbor’s neglected Cairn terrier, Myra, who became her best friend and teacher and eventually led them both to Cairn Rescue and Col. Potter. The rest, as they say, is history.  Susan is the Director of Volunteer Services in CP and also helps with Foster Home admin, Holiday Fundraisers and loves spending her (newly retired) time making cards to be sent to fellow CPCRN volunteers and adoptive homes.  Susan is pictured with two former fosters, mother and daughter, who were tearfully surrendered by their original Mom to Col. Potter.  They found a loving forever home together, proving that life truly is just a circle – what does around, comes around.

merry christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Liz Romick

Director of Placement and Post Adoption Services

Liz Romick is our Director of Placement and Post Adoption Services (Matchmakers).  Liz joined the Col. Potter family in 2002 when she adopted her first rescue, Churchill. Since then she has adopted five other Cairns from CP. She was originally a member of the communications team, then moved on to the Matchmaking team, and was promoted to Director in 2012. In 2014 Liz took on the additional role of Director of Post Adoption Services.  Liz has also participated in transporting, doing home safety visits, and assisting intakes in helping Cairns out of local shelters and from owner surrenders. Liz is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and currently lives in New Jersey with her rescued Cairns Becky and Mika; as well as her husband, Jim.  Liz is pictured here with all of her Cairn kids past and present.

Sandra Ladner

Director of Home Safety Visits

Sandra learned about rescue after finding her first Cairn, Widget.  In 2010, she started looking for another Cairn to keep Widget company and found Col. Potter.  She adopted Tazz and began volunteering shortly after that.  She has been volunteering for the home safety and foster groups for the last 13+ years.  She has fostered over 50 dogs and has fostered failed four times.  She is mama to Little Bit, Radar, Wylie (all Cairns), Georgie (Norfolk Terrier) and last but not least, Juniper (a little mix of everything).  She was a teacher for 27 years but retired two years ago and has been busy with volunteering for CP and her seven grandkids. In this photo is her “Cairn character” Wiley.