
I am Adopted
Gender: Male
Age: 11 weeks
Weight: 6.2 LBS
Color: White
Breed: Westhighland White Terrier
Location: Normal, Illinois
adopt icon pink

More About Chummy

Hi Folks, Chummy here to tell you a bit about myself.

I’m 11 weeks old and learning all about the wonderful life ahead of me. I’m really a great boy. I’m a happy, fun loving little boy that’s full of kisses for everyone. I LOVE everyone and everything so what more could you want in a little Westie boy!

My favorite things are running the back yard with my foster brothers and playing keep-away with the toys in my mouth. I love to zoom and grab a toy and take off with it, playing keep away from them. I’ve gotten really good with quick turns and fast moves so I’m now quite the athlete.

I do love to investigate in the house. There’s so many different things to get into but foster mom and dad are always right there to stop me from getting into stuff that I really want but shouldn’t have – darn it!

TOYS…………TOYS are a must!!!!!!!!! I LOVE toys – all kinds of toys. I have so much fun running with a stuffie in my mouth. I also love nylabones to chew on. I can spend a long time chewing on my favorite nylabone, entertaining myself.

I love to eat and lick my bowl clean. I also love treats but I never get enough of those! My body is filling out now and I try to tell foster mom and dad that I need to fill out more so bring on the treats!

I’m doing good with housetraining. I keep my sleep crate clean and dry all night long. Foster mom and dad take me outside A LOT and tell me to potty. Not quite sure what that is but if I have to go, I do. Sometimes I just don’t have to go so foster mom and dad keep on taking me out until I do my jobs.

Soooooooo…… for being 11 weeks old, don’t you think I’m just the perfect little Westie boy for you??? I’m adorable, SWEET, LOVEABLE, I love to give lots of kisses, I’m a very happy boy and love everyone.

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