Cairn Rescue Mentoring
CAIRN RESCUE MENTORING work group was formed on November 20th, 2000. These are individuals who are offering their time and their talents in all aspects of rescue work. Your membership and participation are most welcome.
The CairnRescueMentoring site (CRM) is an on-line “file cabinet” and support group for those who are currently working Cairn Terrier rescue and for those who wish to help with rescue in any capacity in the future. Here you will learn rescue protocols and procedures.
CRM is highly “LINKS and FILES” oriented, with hundreds of click-on links that relate to rescue. The FILES area is easy to understand and use. Any topic that relates to Cairn Rescue (contracts, health, training, transportation, fundraising, etc.) has file folders with much useful information. Our membership offers on-line immediate help in answering any question that you may have concerning a rescue issue that you may be working with.
The CairnRescueMentoring list is a “working site,” with those who join participating in some way with Cairn rescue. PLEASE NOTE: THIS SITE IS NOT FOR THOSE WHO ARE CURRENTLY LOOKING TO ADOPT A CAIRN TO RESCUE. IT IS FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO WORK IN THE RESCUE PROGRAM. If you are looking for a Cairn to adopt, please go to our Adopt a Dog page. Information and an on-line application can be found there.
Our CRM “goals” are to aid in the communications between those who are currently working rescue (on the Cairn Terrier Club of America national level, CTCA Sanctioned regional club level, as an individual, who is not associated or affiliated with any other group or organization working rescue, or any one who is currently involved in any other type of Cairn rescue), and to provide a common area where we can work together and share information and experience.
If you would like to join, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. You will receive an email back which requests a brief bio. If you have difficulties joining or if you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Your limited profile is a REQUIREMENT in order to join CRM. Your true full NAME, CITY and STATE (and COUNTRY, if not in the US) are required. If you would like to join, and you feel that you cannot provide the required information for your profile, please contact the list owner directly: [email protected].
We hope to see you there! Once subscribed, you will automatically receive individual e-mails describing in full how all the list functions work. Once you join, please post an introduction to the list. You will be amazed at the amount of fellow Cairn owners you may already know who have joined.