
I am Ready for Adoption
Gender: Male
Age: 7 years
Weight: 23 LBS
Color: Red Wheaten
Breed: Mixed Breed
Location: Fernandina Beach, Florida
adopt icon pink

More About Michael

Michael is a very sweet and calm boy. Mostly he just loves to lay around with us or follow Foster Mom around the house. He would cuddle on my lap all day if I’d let him. If my lap isn’t available, he will lay on husband’s lap or in the doggie bed next to him on the sofa. Occasionally Michael will lay in his other bed which is on the floor in the same room.

A few other things about Michael is that he’s food motivated and gets very excited when he thinks he’s going to be fed or given a snack, but not aggressive. He is house trained and will hold it until you take him out no matter how long it’s been. He does not let you know if he has to go out, so we keep him on a schedule to prevent him from getting any medical problems.
He likes to be brushed and will roll over on his back to make sure you get his tummy. He also likes you to comb his goatee.

He doesn’t love his crate but at night he will go in and settles down right away. In the morning he will lay there until we’re ready to get up and will stay quiet until we’re ready to open his it.
He is not a big barker. If he sees a delivery person he will bark, but most of the time he doesn’t even notice them. Every once in a while he will bark at a dog he sees while we’re on a walk.
Anyone would be more than happy to have Michael as their forever dog. He is so sweet and loving and melts your heart when he looks at you with those loving eyes.

The adoption fee for Michael has been paid by a generous donor, ask your Matchmaker!


UPDATE 2/10/2024: Good day everyone! This is Michael here. I just wanted to give you an update on me and how wonderful everyone says I am. I don’t know about that, but my foster MiMi and PopPop tell me all the time how good I am and how much they love me. People stop us on our walks all the time and tell me how cute and well behaved I am. I had a veterinary visit this week for a regular check up and I passed with flying colors.

I have met many other 4 legged friends on our daily walks and have had some play dates. We have fun sniffing each other and ultimately end up sitting next to one another because our 2 legged love ones talk a lot! I don’t really mind. I just politely wait until they’re finished. I love to walk on my leash and every day PopPop take me to the beach. I can’t wait until the water gets warmer so I can maybe get in. But if you don’t live near the beach that okay too. I’d love to try a sprinkler or a kiddy pool.

On a more serious note, MiMi and PopPop say they don’t understand why there has been so little interest in me. I really try to be the best doggie ever, Just ask them! I don’t bark very much. I don’t jump up on anyone. I sleep a lot and love to be near you whenever I can. I’m not a big beggar but do love my food and my treats but I’m not aggressive about it. My adoption fee has graciously been paid so that’s wonderful. I am house trained, crate trained and cuteness trained. When you look into my sweet golden brown eyes I know you’ll fall in love with me as much as I’ll fall in love with you. Please look at all my pictures! I tried really hard to look my best.